Let Felix focus on his day-to-day with a long-acting regimen that fits into his life.
Let Felix focus on his day-to-day with a long-acting regimen that fits into his life.

Felix on CABENUVA. Individuals featured have been compensated by ViiV Healthcare.

It starts with proven efficacy—make the switch to CABENUVA.

CABENUVA patient ambassador Miranda and her husband enjoying date night.
CABENUVA patient ambassador Miranda and her husband enjoying date night.

Miranda on CABENUVA. Individuals featured have been compensated by ViiV Healthcare.

Switching to CABENUVA may help many of your patients overcome challenges with taking daily oral therapy.

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You can offer people with HIV up to two months between doses.

CABENUVA is the only complete, long-acting regimen for the treatment of HIV in suppressed patients.

Explore real-world data reinforcing efficacy through Month 61

See how patients, like yours, could benefit from a long-acting regimen

"It was the best change that I have had done so far. CABENUVA fits my lifestyle."

Felix—Patient Ambassador

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You can offer people with HIV up to two months between doses.

CABENUVA is the only complete, long-acting regimen for the treatment of HIV in suppressed patients.

Efficacy reinforced by real-world data1

Could CABENUVA make an impact on your HIV patients?

"Unfortunately, sometimes having a bottle in your medicine cabinet, you know, it just gives you away."

Miranda—Patient Ambassador

Questions to ask your patients about taking daily oral therapy for HIV

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How would you feel if you didn't have to take a daily oral therapy?

Would a long-acting regimen be a better fit for you?

See patient challenges


  1. Sinclair G, et al. Clinical outcomes at month 6 after initiation of cabotegravir and rilpivirine long-acting (CAB+RPV LA) in an observational real-world study (BEYOND). Poster presented at: IDWeek on HIV Treatment; October 11-15, 2023; Boston, MA.