It starts with consistent efficacy and safety observed in real-world patients
OPERA: Efficacy
OPERA is a real-world study of adult participants who switched to CABENUVA or a new oral ART regimen1,2
OPERA Efficacy
OPERA: Switching to CABENUVA showed similarly high rates of maintaining virologic suppression vs a new daily oral therapy
Similar rate of CVF observed between participants switching to CABENUVA or a new oral therapy
(adjusted OR [95% CI] = 0.64 [0.40 to 1.02])
CVF was defined as 2 HIV-1 RNA measurements >200 copies/mL or 1 HIV-1 RNA >200 copies/mL plus discontinuation.
- Following CVF, patients in each group had similar rates of virologic re-suppression†
- The most common regimens switched to were oral,
INSTI-based regimens
Real-world studies are designed to evaluate associations among variables and not to definitively establish causality. These results of OPERA and BEYOND are descriptive.
- Virologic suppression was defined as HIV-1 RNA <50 copies/mL.
- Among those with a viral load available post-CVF, HIV-1 RNA <200 copies/mL: 95% (18/19) of patients previously treated with CABENUVA and 84% (36/43) of those previously treated with oral ART. HIV-1 RNA <50 copies/mL: 79% (15/19) of patients previously treated with CABENUVA and 72% (31/43) of those previously treated with oral ART.
OPERA: Safety
- No safety or discontinuation data reported
Real-world evidence from OPERA reinforces results from SOLAR
AE=adverse event; ART=antiretroviral therapy; ARV=antiretroviral; CAB=CABENUVA; CI=confidence interval; CVF=confirmed virologic failure; eCRF=electronic case report form; INSTI=integrase strand-transfer inhibitor; IQR=interquartile range; ISR=injection site reaction; M=month; n=number; NNRTI=non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor; OR=odds ratio; PI=protease inhibitor; SD=standard deviation.
- Hsu RK, Sension M, Fusco JS, et al. Real-world effectiveness of cabotegravir + rilpivirine vs standard of care oral regimens in the US. Poster presented at: Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections (CROI); March 3-6, 2024; Denver CO.
- Data on file. ViiV Healthcare group of companies. Durham, NC.